As we continue our Lenten journey, I want to personally invite you to join us this Sunday as we reflect on what it means to listen to love. Through the parable of the Samaritan who showed mercy and the moment when Jesus invites Martha to be present, we are challenged to consider: Who is our neighbor? Where should we be focused?
Lent is often framed as a season of restriction, but here at Sacred Place, we are reclaiming it as a season of return—a time to listen more deeply, to center ourselves in love, and to align our lives with the work of justice and mercy. Instead of giving something up, we are leaning into what matters most: presence, compassion, and transformation.
If you weren’t able to attend our Ash Wednesday liturgy, I encourage you to take a moment this week to watch the video on YouTube. It’s a sacred time of reflection and preparation as we walk toward Easter together. You can find the video here.
I hope to see you Sunday, whether in person or online. May this season be one of deep listening, renewal, and grace.
Grace and peace to you,
Pastor Matthew
What’s going on?
+ Updates from Bryan
Conversations and Community Building
This week I began a new round of outreach. Encouraged by the conversations we’ve had as a church over the last few weeks, I’m reaching out to other open and affirming congregations in southern California to find out what they are doing to serve their LGBTQIA+ communities. I’ve also made contact with an organization that helps communities build programs that support our queer siblings. I am encouraged by the hope and resilience that I have witnessed in the last few weeks as our communities face so many challenges. What we want to do isn’t new, but perhaps there are new ways to approach outreach that will become clear as we work together.
If you would like to be involved or have contacts that you believe might be helpful, please feel free to email me.
People make this a Sacred Place
We want to hear from you. Whether you join us in person on Sunday mornings, watch our livestreams, or if you’ve just recently signed up for our newsletter and haven’t had a chance to be with us yet, you are welcome. If you’d like to introduce yourself, you can reach us by phone or text at (909) 506-2400, or you can reach out via email at here.
Loving our Neighbors
News From the UCC
In the coming weeks I’ll begin incorporating news from the UCC Conference as well as some things that are going on nationally. If you’re curious about what’s happening with the denomination at the national level visit their website at As so many struggle to cope with hardships and our rapidly changing political and social landscape, The UCC is committed to being a voice for compassion, love and diversity in our nation
Los Angeles LGBTQ Center
The LA LGBTQ Center has released a survey and are asking for responses until the end of April. The survey seeks to understand the health needs of queer women. This survey is for; “folks who are 18 years of age or older: Womxn, BIPOC (black, indigenous & people of color), Lesbian, Bi-sexual, Queer, Trans identified folks, Non-Binary folks and anyone who has experienced girlhood or womxnhood.” If you fit within the demographic mentioned, please consider taking a minute to complete the survey. Or, if you know someone who might want to participate, please forward them the link. You can access the survey by clicking
Riverside Interfaith Council

If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about non-christian faiths, the Riverside Interfaith Council is seeking to build a community of people who’s diverse faiths and spiritual practices can come together and focus more on the things that unite us than on our differences. Periodically, RIC invites a faith leader to share about their core beliefs. These events also include some question and time, and afterwards there. The Faith Chat that was scheduled for last Thursday was rescheduled to March, and we will post more info on that when it becomes available.
—Bryan Jones
Community Outreach