Sacred Place seeks to create a just world where ALL are included in the family of God. We talk a lot about intentionally including the LGBT+ community. As a group historically left out of the Church, we know that those who identify as LGBT+ need a specific welcome for them to trust that we will accept and affirm them without trying to change them. We believe that all people are created by God to be exactly who they are. We don’t discriminate based on gender identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, or any other thing which might be used to call us different or “other.” In fact, we work very hard to break down those barriers our society places between us. We actively support and collaborate with Launchpad Partners, a network of leaders starting and growing inclusive faith communities.
We’re open and affirming. What does that mean?
As an “Open & Affirming” church in our denomination, The United Church of Christ, we are more than a gay friendly church in Rancho Cucamonga. The Open and Affirming Coalition of the United Church of Christ advocates for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community in our churches, and supports UCC churches as they seek to grow their welcome to the LGBT+ community. We create a Sacred Place especially for those who have been told that they don’t belong by other churches. We hope to see you on Sunday morning on Sacred Place LIVE! Whoever you are or wherever you are on this journey called life, this is your Sacred Place.
We gather each Sunday in person and online with casual time to catch up and chat at 10:30 am pt with our time of reflection starting at 11 am pt.