Easter Sunday

The tomb is empty. The stone is rolled away. The women hear the good news—Jesus is risen! Easter is a celebration of life, hope, and the transformative power of resurrection. Yet, even in joy, we are invited to listen. What does the resurrection mean for us today? How does it shape the way we live, […]
Good Friday

Darkness falls, the earth trembles, and Jesus breathes his last. In this Tenebrae service, as darkness descends, we listen to his final words, sit in the weight of the cross, and reflect on the love which led him there.
Maundy Thursday

On this night, Jesus gathers with his disciples, breaks bread, and calls them to a life of service and love. As we share in the communion gathering, we listen to his words and remember the depth of his love poured out for us.
Palm + Passion Sunday

The crowds cheer, but do they truly hear? As Jesus enters Jerusalem, he is not the king they expected. He weeps for those who fail to recognize the things that make for peace. Will we listen to the kind of kingdom Jesus proclaims?