Easter Sunday

The tomb is empty. The stone is rolled away. The women hear the good news—Jesus is risen! Easter is a celebration of life, hope, and the transformative power of resurrection. Yet, even in joy, we are invited to listen. What does the resurrection mean for us today? How does it shape the way we live, […]

Palm + Passion Sunday

The crowds cheer, but do they truly hear? As Jesus enters Jerusalem, he is not the king they expected. He weeps for those who fail to recognize the things that make for peace. Will we listen to the kind of kingdom Jesus proclaims?

Listen to Him: Transformation

A blind man refuses to be silenced. Zacchaeus listens and is transformed. Jesus speaks of his coming suffering, yet his words bring hope. This week, we consider how listening to Jesus leads to real change—opening our eyes, our hearts, and our lives.

Listen to Him: Listen to the Warning

Jesus calls for repentance, yet his words are filled with grace. He tells the parable of the barren fig tree, offering hope rather than condemnation. He laments over Jerusalem, longing to gather his people like a mother hen. This week, we listen for both the challenge and the deep compassion in Jesus’ voice.

Today is Mission Sunday, so there is no live stream.