Reformation Sunday Fall Festival

Join us Sunday, October 29 at 10:30 AM for our Sacred Place Fall Festival! We’ll have food, games, and costumes! Every 5th Sunday, we try and do something a little extra fun, so be sure to join us. We’ll still have a brief moment of reflection so we don’t miss too much of the Story. […]
October Mission Sunday

Join Bryan on Sunday, October 22 for snacks and conversations about our stories as Sacred Place family. How did you get here? What makes this your Sacred Place? What is your Story of God? These are just some of the questions that we’re interested in. While we chat, we’ll be finishing the art for the […]
Story Bearers | Week 2

Story Bearers | Week 1

The Power of Names, Week 4

The Power of Names, Week 3 + Mission Sunday

The Power of Names, Week 1

Pride Sunday Celebration
Join us for Drag Queen Story Time; a chat with Frank Guzman, the director of Pomona Valley Pride; and much more!
Sacred Place 4th Anniversary

Join us on Sunday, June 4th as we celebrate the 4th Anniversary of our first gathering of Sacred Place.
Pentecost Sunday!