An Invitation to Hope

Tonight, we begin the sacred journey of Lent with our Ash Wednesday gathering – a time to reflect, repent, and renew. Ash Wednesday is an ancient practice, but one which still speaks to us today. The ashes remind us of our shared humanity and our need for grace, while reflection and prayer help us clear space to draw closer to God and to one another.

Over the years, these traditions have sometimes been distorted—used as tools of shame or rigid rule-keeping. Tonight, we reclaim them, not as burdens, but as invitations. This is not a season of despair, but a season of deep truth and abundant grace.

Come and receive ashes, not as a mark of condemnation, but as a sign of hope—that God is still working, still calling us to renewal. Join us as we step into this season together, with humility, courage, and expectation.

Sacred Place Mission Center (10289 25th Street, Rancho Cucamonga)
Tonight at 7 PM

Let’s walk this Lenten journey together—not in guilt, but in love.

I hope to see you tonight.

Grace & peace,
Pastor Matthew

The Ash Wednesday Ecumenical Declaration

Defending Refuge

The Call to Faithful Action Starts Now

Every day, families seeking refuge face fear, separation, and uncertainty. Parents are forced to make impossible choices. Children endure journeys no child should have to take. And as our nation reckons with how it will treat the most vulnerable, we are called—as people of faith—to respond.

This Ash Wednesday, we remember. We remember our shared humanity. We remember that we, too, were once strangers in a foreign land. And we remember that faith calls us to act.

Today is Mission Sunday, so there is no live stream.