It’s Annual Meeting Time!

Join us this Sunday @ 11 AM

That’s right, this Sunday at 11 AM, we gather for an abbreviated worship service, followed by our Annual Meeting—a time to reflect on where we’ve been, where we’re headed, and how we’re called to live out our mission together.

We’ll be sharing updates on our financial vision, discussing exciting next steps for 2025, and exploring how Sacred Place continues to be a space where justice matters, inclusion is real, and community is built together.

Whether you’re a longtime member or new to Sacred Place, your presence matters. Join us as we dream, plan, and commit to the work ahead.

I hope to see you Sunday at 11 AM!
—Pastor Matthew

This year, we’re presenting the budget in a more narrative format. It’s been approved by the Council, and is ready for your review.

esday Dinners

On the Calendar

What’s going on and updates from Bryan!

What’s going on and updates from Bryan!

This past Wednesday, a few of us got together for lasagna, salad, and conversation. We had a good time. We had such a good time that we’ve talked about making it a monthly event.

The idea is simple. We’ll pick one Wednesday a month and host dinner at the Mission Center. Nothing fancy, no agenda, just an excuse to chat, laugh, eat, and get to know each other better. There is so much uncertainty in the world around us that we believe it’s more important than ever to get together and support each other.

We will let you know when the next Wednesday night dinner is scheduled. We hope that you will join us if you’re able. If you have questions or would like to help, email Bryan.

Community Building

We’re now well into 2025 and all around us and many of the things going on around us are full of chaos and uncertainty. This year at Sacred Place, one of the things that we are hoping to do is to start offering people opportunities to gather during the week. This could mean just getting together for a meal, restarting the book club, maybe doing a bible study, as well as continuing to grow our Sacred Story community. As we near the Annual Meeting next week, I’d like each of you to start thinking about the things that we can do to build community for ourselves and for the people around us. If you have ideas or are interested in getting involved and helping out, please reach out to me.

People make this a Sacred Place

We want to hear from you. Whether you join us in person on Sunday mornings, watch our livestreams, or if you’ve just recently signed up for our newsletter and haven’t had a chance to be with us yet, you are welcome. If you’d like to introduce yourself, you can reach us by phone or text at (909) 506-2400, or you can reach out via email at here.

Loving our Neighbors

Relief efforts are ongoing for those affected by the weather and wildfires. for information on how you can help, click the links below.

The Emergency Network Los Angeles is coordinating volunteers. If you have time and are able to volunteer, there are many opportunities to get involved.

The American Red Cross has information on training and disaster relief.

Riverside Interfaith Council

If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about non-christian faiths, the Riverside Interfaith Council is seeking to build a community of people who’s diverse faiths and spiritual practices can come together and focus more on the things that unite us than on our differences. The RIF’s general meeting is this Thursday, February 20, at 1 PM on Zoom. Periodically, RIC invites a faith leader to share about their core beliefs. These events also include some question and time, and afterwards there. The Faith Chat that was scheduled for this Thursday was rescheduled to March, and we will post more info on that when it becomes available.

—Bryan Jones
Community Outreach

Today is Mission Sunday, so there is no live stream.