Creation Care: Humans & the Water

July Mission Sunday

Mission Sundays are when we set aside time to focus on one of our core values: justice, inclusion, and family. These might be a special guided conversation, a visit from a guest speaker, a service project, or a group field trip. There is no live stream/church online on Mission Sundays.
Summer Special Sunday

Summer Picnic

It’s time for a picnic. We haven’t done a picnic since 2021! We’re long overdue. We’ll gather in the evening for a summer picnic at a local park. Location: Red Hill Community Park, Shelter E (Apple Maps, Google Maps) Sign Up to Bring Food
Creation Care: Humans & the Sky

Sacred Story Hour: Pride

Your story is sacred. Theme: Pride Join us every first Sunday evening in Rancho Cucamonga as we gather for an hour of storytelling. Sacred Story Hour is a welcoming space for all ages to come together and celebrate diverse voices and narratives. Whether you have a story you want to share or simply want to listen to […]
Creation Care: Created to Care