resurrect•ing spirit

Join us on Pentecost Sunday as we celebrate the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit. We’ll explore how the Spirit unites us in diversity, equipping and empowering us with spiritual gifts for the work of ministry. Come experience the transformative power of Pentecost as we gather in community, inspired to boldly proclaim the gospel and […]
resurrect•ing hope

Celebrate the ultimate victory over death as we reflect on the promise of resurrection and embrace the hope of new life in Christ. Join us as we journey toward resurrecting hope in our lives and world.
resurrect•ing love

This week, we reflect on the transformative power of love. Explore how love heals, reconciles, and brings forth new life in our relationships and communities.
April Mission Sunday

This month‘s Mission Sunday invites us to do some spring cleaning. We’ll invoke the teachings of Marie Kondo as we let go of the things which no longer spark joy in us. Mission Sundays are when we set aside time to focus on one of our core values: justice, inclusion, and family. These might be […]
resurrect•ing witness

Journey with us as we witness the courage of early believers in proclaiming the resurrection. Explore how their bold witness inspires us to boldly proclaim hope in our own contexts.
resurrect•ing healing

Experience the transformative power of resurrection as we discover how Christ’s resurrection brings restoration and healing to our broken world, ushering in a dawn of new hope.
resurrect•ing vision

Join us as we embark on our journey of hope, exploring how Christ’s resurrection renews our vision for the future and empowers us to embrace the promise of God’s presence.