Christmas Eve by Candlelight

For our traditional Christmas Eve gathering, we welcome the light of the world by lighting our Advent candles and then, in celebration, we will light the Christ candle. That light will spread and grow as we each take a bit of that light and lift it in song. Pastor Matthew will read the Christmas story […]
Christmas Eve: Story + Song

Join us for a morning gathering of the Christmas story told through music and readings. Christmas Eve: Story + Song is a festive celebration for the whole family. We’ll have special treats for everyone. You’ll hear your favorite Christmas carols while Pastor Matthew reads the story.
A Night of Hope

Though Christmastime is often filled with joy, for many of us, it is also filled with sadness and the reminder of loss. Join us for our annual gathering on the longest night of the year. We search for light in the darkness.
Searching for the Light of Love

On the fourth Sunday in Advent, we turn to the story of the birth of John the Baptist. How is the love of God revealed in these words? How do we each experience the love of God? Let us join together in our final Sunday of preparation for the arrival of the Christ Child.
Cookie Night

We’ll gather in the kitchen with a preheated oven to bake cookies! You’re invited to bring your own cookie dough (plus rolling pin, and cookie cutters if you need them) starting at 5:30. We’ll have parchment paper and cookie sheets ready for you. There will be hot cocoa, cider, and light snacks plus Christmas carols […]
Searching for the Light of Joy

Searching for the Light of Peace

This week, we look for the Advent theme of Peace.